Thursday, March 27, 2008

Feeling confident

I did my walk/xt tonight with Rincon again. This time it was at least 20 degrees colder then 2 nights ago. I was freezing! I have really been enjoying the time to myself (is that bad?!) and paying more attention to the thoughts in my head. Actually on my run yesterday to keep myself going I kept saying to myself (and it really was helping) "I'm making my life better, I'm making my life better" over and over. It helped me focus on all my progress this past 6 months and how much better things will be 6 months from now. I know that the physical part of it helps level out all other aspects. It's like the gospel. When that is in line then other things fall into place. I am definitely in a good place right now.

HOWEVER- I just jammed my inner thigh into the door of the boys dresser thing! OUCH! I am worried for tomorrow. Thank goodness tomorrow is a stretch day! I am ready for my 3 mile run on Saturday. Well, maybe not!


Jamie said...

Back when I was exercising 5x week, my mantra was "Love yourself enough, love yourself enough..." I just needed to love myself enough to be healthy, take a little "me" time, and be well-rested so I had more to give to my peeps. IT IS NOT BAD TO LOVE TIME TO YOURSELF!!!! Good job!