Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chub Club

I don't need to post a picture because every picture of me for the past 6 years has been a "before" picture! I suppose we can start by counting down the back boobs--right now I have three: one from the bra, the middle one, and the "muffin top" one that slides forward and becomes my baby belly flab. YUMMY. I'll be pickin' those suckers off one by one over the next year. I have lost (only) 12 pounds since October, but I am hoping to get going to about a pound per week now that my thyroid is working with 40 pounds by new year? That's 182 (Laura, I'm right there with you at 222!). I can dooo eet! I cut my number one enemy, COCA COLA down to 8 oz per day, but I have fallen off the wagon. I'm climbing back on, but I am keeping it as my only vice/reward.

Running? Ha. I'm starting with walking. If I walk down the street, up the hill two blocks, up 10th street, then back down the hill that's about 7/10 of a mile, plus it's a butt cruncher, so I'm gonna start with that. My heart says "YES!!!" to running, but my legs say, "Ummm, no. I am NOT carrying this marshmallow on a toothpick at high impact, not even a slow jog. Drop 20 and we'll talk about it, girlfriend." So I will listen to my legs for now, but legs, the heart needs to work up to the 9-10 minute mile, so you better get it in gear because you are spending next winter on the treadmill.

When I make a yummy healthy meal, I will post the recipe for y'all either here or on my blog, ok? For right now one of the best starts to my day is 20 ounces of water and a smoothie made with 1/2 cup yogurt and a splash of skim milk, plus a cup of bule berries and a banana. If you use a banana that has a few freckles, it will really sweeten up the yogurt. I'm not a huge fan of dairy or sweet breakfasts, but I drink this like it's medicine because it's made of power foods and it really does help my day. Also, the half-lemon, whole cucumber, whole apple, handful of spinach and squirt of honey smoothie is awesome (I drank it for lunch for 8 days), but it gives me the burps. Go to Costco and invest in a huge bag of blueberries--you deserve to give yourself a power food each day!! Cheers and good luck, amigas.