Saturday, July 12, 2008

Drew IS Pauly Bleeker!!!

My man has been rockin' the last couple of months and it is imperative I update you all on his progress. He started the marathon schedule (with me) and I only lasted a month. Drew has stuck with it VERY WELL, continuing to do the hard runs on Saturdays as well as work out each day like the schedule says. Tonight was his 14 miler. I am really proud of his determination and passion for the whole thing. It is SO hard for me to do and I am behind him all the way. I hope I've been supportive enough for him. I can get a bit grouchy sometimes when he gets home after six and he's tired from working out. I know how important this to him and it's great for his health. GOOD JOB BABY!


Jamie said...

Your dh must be SO HOT! Your kids are so lucky to have a good lookin' dad! (heh, heh!) Seriously, though, that is so awesome. We're still working on biking a whole mile w/o fainting. :)

AuntieM said...

Just so you guys know Uncle Ralph and I are doing the Tour de Tucson on Nov.2,2008 on our tandum. It is a bike ride around the whole city of Tucson. There is a 109 mile race, a 77 mile race, a 63 mile race, and our race of 35 miles. WE rode 20 miles on Saturday in Sierra Vista and really had a good time. It was a little difficult to sit in church today but I did ok. So keep walking, running, biking or whatever. Just keep going. Hugs!
Auntie M

AuntieM said...

We survived the Tour de Tucson. 35 miles in 3hrs and 39 min. Feel great and ready to ride again. So fun on a tandem. love you guys Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

After all this, there is only one thing to say: Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for. ECCLESIASTES 12:13

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)